5 Apps to Improve Your Mental Health


May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

Between my own socials, my company's socials, and the business that I do freelance marketing for, I am CONSTANTLY on my phone. While it's part of the job I signed up for, I often worry that I'm mentally downloading too much information (many of it triggering or negative). It's easy to hop on Instagram and feel FOMO, watching others live a picture-perfect life from the discomfort of your cubicle... So that's why I wanted to share 5 apps to help get your mental health aligned with your highest self.


1. Talkspace

Virtual therapy, right from your phone. I personally used Talkspace for about 7 months during one of the toughest times of my life, and it was amazing to be able to write to my therapist when I needed her (usually at 3 a.m.) To get started, you answer a few simple questions about yourself and expectations. Then, choose your therapist from a selection of recommended matches. They have different plans where you can also incorporate video/phone calls with your therapist, and Talkspace is pretty affordable compared to most co-pays for in-office therapy. Get $50 off your first month by signing up here.

2. Screen Time

While not an app, one of my favorite features on my iPhone is Screentime. You can turn on Downtime, which allows you to schedule time away from your screen (I try to schedule mine from 9pm-7am). You can also set app limits for the day so you don't spend 3 hours of your day on Twitter like me. If you’ve set up Family Sharing, you can set up Screen Time for a family member and hold each other accountable. For more information on how to set this up, visit here.

3. Insight Timer

A lot of meditation apps say they’re free but once the starter pack finishes, they quickly lock you out. While Insight has tons of free guided meditations, they also have the timer section where you can customize everything from the duration, bells, and ambient sound you want to hear. Then, save these settings as a custom pre-set to easily use it again in the future.

4. Pigment

Sometimes, you just need something to help you kill time that isn't social media. Coloring has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. Just 5-10 minutes of coloring can provide the same benefits as meditation, and help you practice mindfulness, live in the moment, enhance concentration, and encourage your creative side. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, choose something with a bit more benefits.

5. Day One

Journaling for me is HARD. I know how beneficial it is, but for some reason, it's just difficult for me to keep up with consistently. While I haven't used Day One yet, it is the top-rated Journal app with features such as audio recordings, exporting your entries (if you want to share with a therapist), adding drawings, photos and more. While the app is free, some of the more unique features are included in their premium subscription for $25 a year. Getting ready to send a mean/aggressive paragraph text? Open up Day One instead.

I hope this helps. Remember, you are loved.


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